What's your favourite film?
Crazy, Stupid, Love. An attention grasping adventure featuring Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, and Julianne Moore, with the story coming around full circle nearing the end of the film. This is a movie that I have watched countless times, especially when I was younger as I looked up to Ryan Gosling as an idol for his style and charismatic charm. I thought long and hard about some of his advice and how to incorporate it into who I thought I wanted to be, ultimately helping me become the man I am today. Not everything stuck but still to this day I love his style, and his acting abilities has inspired me to pursue acting! So many wonderful things from one singular movie!
When you're not modelling, what are you up to?
I am very passionate about maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, whether it be weekly sporting events or daily trips down to the weight room. I have found over time that keeping active and chasing a daily sweat has helped me tremendously not only physically, but significantly helped my mental health. I am a large supporter for mental health awareness as it can never be talked about enough, with physical activities being one of many things that are an undervalued component in benefiting ones holistic self.
One thing you've always wanted to learn?
I used to play the trombone back in grades 5-7, which I truly enjoyed due to my passion for music and expressing my creative side (Ultimately ending in grade 7 due to my teacher making class an unpleasant environment). However, I have always had an interest in learning to play the piano as I believe it to be one of the more fundamental and beautiful instruments. As of late I have been able to play around on a piano but I have yet to purchase my own and put more time towards learning.
One thing that people might find strange about you?
I am an advocate for minimum waste, especially when it comes to food. For someone who has an endless appetite, I can’t stand to see food get thrown away while it remains safe to eat. With that being said, the strange part about my eating habits are that I enjoy particular foods that others tend to find unbearable, such as eating the peel to fruits like mango or kiwi. I believe those to be my favourite parts of the food! No shame about it, plus that’s where most of the nutritional value is!